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Forums: Index Roleplay The Ultimate Evil
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The Ultimate Evil is the Call of Duty Wiki's second official role-play, set in an alternate world similar to the Mortal Kombat realm, where warriors from all over gather to participate in a winner-take-all deathmatch.

Quick guide to roleplays[]

Anyone may join if they have an account by signing in the "Participants" section.

You create your own characters, fill out some information abut them in the "Characters" section below, introduce them into the story, and post a new chapter (it doesn't need to be that long; usually a minimum of a few to several hundred characters) in response to whatever just happened in the story and wait for someone else to post a chapter of their own.

Before you know it, you have an awesome story that you and others helped to create. Booyah!

Plot summary[]

A tournament, controlled by the Elder Gods, is created every four years. This tournament is known as Mortal Kombat. In Mortal Kombat, participants must fight various opponents with the winner frequently being called upon to "Finish Him!" or "Finish Her!" with a horrific, usually fatal, end move. In this scenario, many of these warriors are training when the Elder Gods go missing, with each warrior faction suspecting the other. With no tournament, the factions declare all-out war on each other, turning the world into their battleground.


  • Don't cause harm to other users' characters or generally use them without consulting the controlling user first.
  • Don't God-mod (to make something overpowered) your characters.
  • Post in context with previous chapters.
  • Characters from the regular Mortal Kombat universe (Scorpion, Liu Kang, Sub-Zero) may make minor appearances but will play no major role.
  • Player characters can be based on those listed above, but may not be direct copies. (And we will know)
  • Don't ruin it for others.
  • Fatalities should only be used if both RPers agree to it.
  • Have fun, be creative, and try to have good grammar, okay?



Cpl. Wilding 19:11, March 19, 2010 (UTC)

  • Name: Die Panzer
  • Faction: Shirai Ryu clan
  • Appearance: Red hood, red-black armor vest and dark red boots; wears a black full-body "ninja" suit
  • Signature Move(s): (Fatality)Freezes opponent's head, then kicks it, causing it to shatter and kill the opponent. (Normal move)Freezes self, and if opponent hits, freezes them as well while Die Panzer strikes them. (Normal move)Creates a wall of ice and blocks an opponent's attack.



Die Panzer sat quietly on the stone, meditating and flash-freezing flies as they buzzed around him. He noticed something...was it a person? If it was, they didn't know who they were dealing with. He quickly opened his eyes, jumped up from his position and assumed his fighting stance. "Who's there? And what business do you have with the Shirai Ryu clan?"
