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Chrisatsinnoh Chrisatsinnoh 19 June 2013

My theories to the zombies map Buried.

The zombies map buried takes place in the western area after Die Rise/Great Leap Forward. The green run group will return to the western zone to fight off the undead. I have some theories of the map below:

1) Place

Since the zombies map takes place in the western, the buildings might look like the ones in Spain or in Portugal. I don't want the map to take place in the United States. Because they have four maps: Five, Green Run, Nuketown Zombies and Mob of the Dead. Why more zombies map on the US?

Althought i'm not sure if Europe got western before, but the buildings in the trailer looks like the ones in Spain or in Portugal.

The guy in the video, who appears to react like a good version of Brutus or George A .Romero, but if you shoot him, he's…

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