Call of Duty Wiki
Call of Duty Wiki


I'm having a difficult time deciding, so I'll let the users vote. First user to 10 votes wins (time limit of three days voting period)

It's back!

Now, for those of you who didn't participate in the last one, this is how it works.

You use THE CODE BELOW to make your own weapon and post THE IMAGE here.

The theme this time is a versatile woodland CQC weapon. I'm very partial to detailed and realistic coloring jobs.



<group x="991" y="746" rotation="0" scale="0.95" flip="1,1">
   <part id="RIS003Down" x="61.7" y="16.6" rotation="0" scale="1" flip="1,1" colors="666666,999999"/>
   <part id="RIS003Up" x="0" y="-8.05" rotation="0" scale="1" flip="1,1" colors="666666,666666,e1e1e1"/>
 <part id="DeltaRing01" x="979" y="753" rotation="0" scale="1" flip="1,1" colors="666666"/>
 <group x="890" y="769" rotation="0" scale="1" flip="1,1">
   <part id="Bolt001" x="4.2" y="-25" rotation="0" scale="1" flip="1,1" colors="666666"/>
   <part id="LReceiver001" x="-3.25" y="4.6" rotation="0" scale="1" flip="1,1" colors="666666,777777,666666"/>
   <part id="UReceiver003" x="2" y="-26.15" rotation="0" scale="1" flip="1,1" colors="666666,666666,666666"/>
   <part id="DustCover01" x="38.85" y="-21.5" rotation="0" scale="1" flip="1,1" colors="777777,555555,999999,cccccc"/>
 <part id="ISight001" x="1112" y="723" rotation="0" scale="0.8" flip="1,1" colors="666666"/>



Userbox, userbar, and recognition. Oh, and you get to name the weapon company / name.

